Sunday, November 20, 2011

FREE Southwark Business Networking

FREE Southwark Business Networking

The next date for your diary is the 23rd November 2011, 18.00-20.00 at Le Chandelier Restaurant, 161, Lordship Lane SE22 8HX.

So WHY should you attend?
Network and get new client leads
Promote your business for free. Bring business cards, leaflets and prepare your 30 second sales pitch!
Find out what happens locally from your local enterprise agency and local Chamber of Commerce

Booking is easy, CALL 0800 032 0946 or book online.

For more information about similar FREE networking events and FREE courses in your area, visit our website or click on the links below:

FREE Local Networking Events:
29th of November 2011, click here for details
30th of November 2011, click here for details
25th of January 2012, click here for details

FREE business courses delivered locally:
Innovative Web Technologies: click here for details
Finance Ready Business Planning Lewisham: click here for details
Finance Ready Business Planning Southwark: click here for details
Successful Tendering and PQQ’s : click here for details
Writing Successful Tenders and Winning Contracts : click here for details

Southwark and Lewisham Business networking events are organised by GLE oneLondon and funded by Lewisham and Southwark Councils. GLE oneLondon is a not-for-profit organisation and is a lead provider of a wide range of business support services to people thinking of starting their own business and also to those looking to grow their business.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Monday 13th June Open Meeting RE Crossing Proposals on Lordship Lane

There is a meeting on Monday 13 th June at 4pm at Franklins Restaurant with Tessa Jowell, Southwark Council and the SSBA RE the proposed two new crossings on Lordship Lane.

Please attend if you have something to say or wish to find out more about the proposals.

Friday, May 6, 2011

New Crossing Proposals for Lordship Lane

Southwark Council, funded by TFL, propose to install 2 new crossings on Lordship Lane.

  1. At the junction of Lordship Lane & Crawthew Grove, to ease the traffic turning into East Dulwich Grove. This crossing will result in the loss of 2 parking spaces.
  2. Outside the Co-Op. This crossing will result in the loss of 6 parking spaces. The main difference on the plans for this crossing as against the plans submitted 2 years ago is that the build out will allow parking behind / beside the crossing, thus the number of parking spaces at risk have been reduced.

A meeting was held between the engineers from Southwark Council, the local councillors and a representative of the SSBA. A summary of that meeting, plus follow up communication, is as follows:

  1. The SSBA recognise that there are pedestrian safety issues on Lordship Lane, particularly at the junction of East Dulwich Grove. The SSBA stated that they are keen to work with local councillors on a solution but will be cautious on what effect loss of parking will have on local business.
  2. The SSBA questioned why there is an additional need for another crossing outside the Co-Op. The SSBA stated that it would be difficult to get local businesses on board with that crossing as it will have a negative effect on business.
  3. Southwark Council stated that a local consultation will be conducted on the proposed crossings. It is understood that this is due to take place shortly.
  4. The SSBA stated that any consultation should clearly state that if a persons name and address etc are not filled in on the consultation papers, then it should clearly state that their paper would be excluded. This in effect is what happened 2 years ago.
  5. The SSBA stressed that any crossings should have a zero impact on parking.
  6. The SSBA proposed that a walking audit be completed to identify where parking can be created on the streets off Lordship Lane. A provisional audit has identified 39.5 new spaces that could be created without any additional road works. Local councillors expressed a desire to look at creating new parking opportunities.
At this point we need to wait until the consultation takes place.

Any queries relating to this please contact

Saturday, March 26, 2011

South Southwark Business Association

The Management Committee of the South Southwark Business Association is meeting in East Dulwich at 10 am on Thursday 31st March. If you would to attend or have an issue you would like placed on the agenda please email